7.2.6. Financing

In the financing page you can alter the issued capital, other equity instruments, shareholders loans and (bank) debt. You can navigate through each by clicking on each button.

Issued capital

Editing the issued capital is simple. You just need enter the expected increments (1) for each year and, if foreseen, the decreases (2). Finally click “Save” to keep the changes (3).

Other equity instruments

Editing the other equity instruments is similar to the issued capital. You just need enter the expected increments for each year and, if foreseen, the decreases. Finally click “Save” to keep the changes.

Shareholders’ loan

The Shareholder’s loans are edited in the same way as the issued capital and the other equity instruments. The difference is in the fact that the shareholder’s loans may charge an interest rate.

  1. Enter the increases and decreases of shareholders’ loan.
  2. Enter the average interest rate expected to be paid on the loans.
  3. Click “Save”.


In the debt page you have a listing of the company’s bank debts. To add a new bank debt:

  1. Click “Add” on the listings page.
  2. Enter name or description of the debt.
  3. Enter the financing year.
  4. Enter the starting month.
  5. Enter the duration of the debt.
  6. Enter the amount to be financed.
  7. Enter the average interest rate.
  8. Click “Save”. You will be directed to the Listings page.

Remember: these items will not be adjusted by inflation.